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        Tonghua Dongbao donates RMB 2 million to help fight the COVID-19 pandemic in Tonghua


        The cruel pandemic cannot stop the helping hands of humanity. At the height of the outbreak, the executives of Tonghua Dongbao held an emergency video conference in the morning of January 27. The top leaders suggested that the company should stand by the community and the frontline medical workers to overcome difficulties together. The company decided to donate RMB 2 million to the Red Cross Society of Tonghua to help in the fight against the pandemic.

        As a leading insulin manufacturer in China, Tonghua Dongbao has always taken its social responsibility seriously. To cope with the outbreak in our hometown, the company took responsive actions based on the prevention and control measures of the governments at all levels, and maintained production capacity despite challenges of the pandemic. We firmly believed that we could end the pandemic if we stood side by side and worked together!


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